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Post by mike »

I just got the game after having it recommended to me. Apart from that it looks like the old NES games, is there something wrong with my install or are the AI bikes supposed to be running into each other and hardly finishing a lap? Just want to know so I can fix it or just get my money back.
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Re: AI

Post by jlv »

It depends on the track. They should be competent on the tracks that come with the game.
Josh Vanderhoof
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Re: AI

Post by MX196 »

mike wrote:Hi,
I just got the game after having it recommended to me. Apart from that it looks like the old NES games, is there something wrong with my install or are the AI bikes supposed to be running into each other and hardly finishing a lap? Just want to know so I can fix it or just get my money back.
Whatever you do, do not get your money back. There is much more to this game than the AI.
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Re: AI

Post by JETZcorp »

I gave up long ago on expecting the AI to ride well. They can go fairly fast at times, but if they ever fall, it's over. I've seen AI take an entire minute to get back into "race mode" after falling off. Even if they're on the track the whole time, they just sort of taxi over to their racing line at two miles per hour and cause big pile-ups as other AI run into them. At Ridge Riders, for example, I was rocking lap times that were an entire minute faster than any of the AI set to the highest skill level. And don't even think of letting the AI loose on the track if the "erode" command is active. I once did that, and watched helplessly as one of them dug himself into a gigantic hole, which all the AI then fell into, and all started digging! They were stacked four-bikes-high in that hole, and nobody's head was above ground!
Give me more power.
Give me more handling.
Give me more style.
Give me more Maico.
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Re: AI

Post by totorox »

AI training have to be made for each track by track maker, but it's very rare. You can try, look on forum for 'training ai'. But even with training, tracks have to stay 'simple' for AI.
I suggest you should look for multiple 'ghost' races, to find fun if you don't want to play online.
Online play is a big part of this game, it's for me the best part, even if sometime people are not very funny, and it's free for now, not all game don't allow that.
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Re: AI

Post by karlwb »

a while back the AI used to respond to training up to a point,if you laid down a clean start lap and an ordinary lap at a steady pace using easy lines they'd get round reliably even on some fairly technical tracks,but as you laid down progressively faster lines, they'd copy and reach a point where they'd crash or go off course in the same spot each lap and then take ages to rejoin, after that they'd never revert to the reliable but slower lines they'd found before,so they kinda had a limited lifespan once you started racing them.then you had to delete the lines files and start over training them from scratch again,trouble is just when they started to show promise of an interesting pace then things would start to go tits up.
later at some point jlv changed the way they searched for lines i think and since then, they're completely untrainable lol!

online racing is the "dog's B' cks"......but i hope JLV will give "trainable AI" some more developement,its a nice idea and i think a lotta people can have fun with offline capability too.
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