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Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:18 pm
by Jonathan
RaNDoM HeRO wrote:
jbob23 wrote:wet sand can be really sticky.
thats mud isnt it? haha
No, Wet sand doesnt have to be mud.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 3:44 pm
by livefast259
when you ride in real life..when is dust and sunny i need tear offs..when is dust and start rain,on the googles it comes like mud and you need tear off..You ride DIRT bikes..that is motocross!Only gays that want to be clean ride road bikes! :?: dirt on googles!lets go tear off!I ride in holland too,and he is right,sand will stay on the lens so you need to tear off when you want to see on track!(and you need min. 5tear offs put on the googles) Who ride in real life (i do 20years) must say yes

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:01 pm
by magnusson
it is a hundred types of sand, and you are not all speaking of the same type of sand

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 5:14 pm
by livefast259
i ride in real and he is right..only when is dust and sunny you need to tear-off!and special in holland you realy need 5 or 6 tear-offs put on your google for one race when you want to see on the track..You ride (or play) motocroos..DIRT BIKEs! only gays that want to be clean ride road bikes or play football.. :)

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 10:08 pm
by TeamHavocRacing
Joe Sawler wrote:ya it would be sick i never played a game with tear offs
Hey Joe, try Race '07, GTR Evo or Race On. If you drive an open wheel car, you get bug splats and oil spots building up on your visor that can be remedied by hitting your wipers/tear off button (wipers in sedans) you get 10 tear offs per stint, so you gotta plan it out for full length races.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2010 11:10 pm
by JB323
Now that the sx series is ending, ive been thinking a lot about we need to have some people (since no mods) start being in charge or like weekly events or something along those lines. If we really wanna keep this community from dieing and staying up and growing we need to have weekly fun races on someones server or if jlv can supply it once a week or something like he has been.

Jlv cant handle it all, so more or less previous or known people should be in charge.

The whole 20 min moto we did a few weeks ago that we thought of psh who didn't have a blast on that ? and we had a huge turnout.

So maybe after sx is over next week we can start planning on doing weekly official races (not hey come join my server type) but actually more official type so people recognize it.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 5:40 pm
by wheels1758
Oh the old JFFR. I dont think you were around when those were still being run. There was a 30 man demo race at Sonora right after I joined the forums. It was awesome. Some more of those online would be quite fun. And maybe have someone here in the states run one as well as someone overseas so nobody is really left out.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:19 pm
by Prologue
wheels1758 wrote:Oh the old JFFR. I dont think you were around when those were still being run. There was a 30 man demo race at Sonora right after I joined the forums. It was awesome. Some more of those online would be quite fun. And maybe have someone here in the states run one as well as someone overseas so nobody is really left out.
Awesome. To push your idea a little further, we could have weekly races on new tracks as long as the tracks were small and simple like Sonora and that other one. That would be awesome, basically an arenacross series but outdoors style.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:31 pm
by 02RR02
Could have done a JFFR each time we get a good and popular track. Like when we got hurricane hills for instance. Had like 20/30 riders on gate racing 30 min + 2 laps races

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:36 pm
by Rallemx
Just found out theres some jackass on this swedish mx forum sending around the full game to people..Dont have any names =/

Wouldnt it be possible to add a key for the game just like online? :?

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 9:59 pm
by Servatis
Rallemx wrote:Just found out theres some jackass on this swedish mx forum sending around the full game to people..Dont have any names =/

Wouldnt it be possible to add a key for the game just like online? :?
<sarcasm>yeah, cause that works so good in modern day games :P</sarcasm>
the keys would have to be checked by an in-game algorithm, right now it's being done server side.

1 person buys the game with key and an unlimited number of players can play it without jlv knowing about it, whereas online he can keep track of where and when keys are being used.

you cant really stop assholes like these, ubisoft spends truckloads of cash to keep thier games safe and a few weeks later the games are cracked.
one of the reasons why pc gaming is losing the battle from consoles.

just be glad that online is way more fun than single player.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 10:01 pm
by magnusson
i dint know that was possible :? well there sud be some key or something so they cant just copy and paste the game......

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sat May 01, 2010 10:19 pm
by cpt_Slow
How about you need your game key to access the bulk of the forum, that would cut off most people's supply of downloadable content. Of course it could be spread but at least one person has to buy the game.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:48 am
by yomo
You will never stop computer games from being cracked.

The best way is to keep track of who goes online and with what key etc...

Maybe JLV could set up a system similar to online but for updates. Not the snapshots because they are just preliminary and can have bugs. But for update 1.4 introduce a system that for the next update needs to be accessed via the game. ie you need a valid key to get the update and once the key has its update it cant get another one unless you email JLV.

If people try to give the game out, at least JLV could track what key is used and ban it.

As soon as stuff like 450's are introduced and people cant get the update they will buy it.

Re: Game Suggestions

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 5:50 am
by RaNDoM HeRO
why not just an update,password+security question?