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Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:48 am
by ShackAttack12
Man, I REALLY hate seeing shit like this after such a horrible event, but this has to really make you think.

Hardcore evidence that the guy with his legs blown off was FAKE: ... 26684.html

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 1:51 am
by ShackAttack12

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:19 am
by Pumaxcs
That guy has a fund. I can't say I've seen someone loose a limb but I know enough medical to know the amount of blood lose that would happen with a double amputee is a ludicrous amount.

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 4:26 pm
by Phathry25 ... r-all-ages

Still staged? Black lady that was in on it looks pretty fucked up and in shock when you see the non-blurry photos. These photos pretty much debunk everything that was said in shacks original post. Sorry you guys are paranoid.

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:15 pm
by Gideon#67
Phathry25 wrote: Sorry you guys are paranoid.
Equally sorry that you're not.

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:22 pm
by Stormz
I can tell you this, it was one of them damn Republican gun lover maniacs! ;) :roll:

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:30 pm
by adhkcrfhonda
You people trying to prove any of this as fake or a conspiracy have got to be fucking kidding right?? Im sorry but dont you have something better to do? These fucking conspiracy things are so annoying and idiotic..

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 5:50 pm
by Phathry25
Gideon#67 wrote:
Phathry25 wrote: Sorry you guys are paranoid.
Equally sorry that you're not.
Please answer these two very simple questions.

What is to be gained?

Why such an elaborate plan? Higher two Taliban looking mercs and have them do the bombings. I'd them as suspects never to be heard from again? I'm no paranoid cop but that seems a whole lot easier and more fool proof than a wide scale cover up.

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 6:53 pm
by Gideon#67
Phathry25 wrote:
Gideon#67 wrote:
Phathry25 wrote: Sorry you guys are paranoid.
Equally sorry that you're not.
Please answer these two very simple questions.

What is to be gained?

Why such an elaborate plan? Higher two Taliban looking mercs and have them do the bombings. I'd them as suspects never to be heard from again? I'm no paranoid cop but that seems a whole lot easier and more fool proof than a wide scale cover up.
Money and power to be gained. And why would anyone involved make it known that they were? That would do nothing but direct the anger towards them. That's a reason for any cover up plan, to cover it up. Look, even if our government didn't have anything to do with the bombing itself, do you think they didn't have any knowledge of it? Maybe, maybe not. But I tend to scrutinize the government because they deserve it. This country is not controlled by the people you think it is, the president himself is just a pawn in the game.

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:09 pm
by TeamHavocRacing

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:31 pm
by yfz22
I'm not much of a fan of our government either, and I don't trust them, but what's the point in bombing a marathon, of all things? Why not a govt. building or political rally?

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:34 pm
by Boblob801
I'm not saying its a conspiracy or not but I'm not going to count anything out.

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:45 pm
by Phathry25
Are you implying that I am?

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 9:49 pm
by bob117
Phathry25 wrote:Not one person finds it suspicious at all that in the picture of suspect 1 handcuffed and alive that he is cut and has no chest hair, and in the postmortem photos he is of average build and has chest hair?

If you're going to be suspicious and questing things, at least question everything, not just the government. Still waiting to hear what the government stood to gain by this bombing? Because I can list one major major major motivator for people to lie about and fabricate pictures and stories about the bombings. $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
i do find that suspicious. im pretty sure it was the coroner that said he was shot so many times that it was impossible for him to count. but yet in the picture they guy doesnt seem to be shot at all. and thats just one of the many things that dont add up, or make sense.

well, if you had done your research and new what the big picture is (according to the "conspiracy theorist"), is that the government wants to the establish the nwo (new world order), and to reduce the population. theres all kinds of shit out there about concentration camps and what not being set up around the U.S. but in order for them to be able to go threw with all of that, they first need to take our guns, and scaring the population into believing we need more security. if you look back at history every time a govt has outlawed guns its lead to mass killings of there citizens.

Re: Boston Explosion

Posted: Wed Apr 24, 2013 10:30 pm
by Gideon#67
If you have never watched this you should. It's 30 minutes but explains a lot in a way that is easy to understand, plus it's funny.