MX Simulator - UID #32476

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Name:wessel van wijk | undefineed
Total Races:86
Rating:36.24% (defeated 291 out of 803 opponents)


First Win - Awarded for winning a race.
First Holeshot - Awarded for getting a holeshot.
Participant - Awarded for just showing up.

* No awards for races with less than 5 riders.

Overall Lap Records
1:09.921250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd02 Houston 2
1:10.484250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd03 Houston 3
1:06.554250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd04 Indianapolis 1
1:03.015250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd05 Indianapolis 2
2:15.570250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd07 Orlando 1
1:04.421250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd08 Orlando 2
1:13.718250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd10 Arlington 1
1:38.031250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd11 Arlington 2
1:40.000250sxf(2018)2022 Canyon Mx
11:50.328fc450(2018)2022 MXSCC Field Racing
2:15.187fc450(2018)2022 MXSCC Field Racing Qualifying
19:45.507fc450(2018)2022 MXSCC Gotland Grand Nationals qualifying
8:29.031crf450(2018)2022 MXSCC Miami Beach Race
2:17.343crf450(2018)2022 MXSCC Miami Beach Race Qualifying
2:37.273fc450(2018)BCMX: El Chuba Cabra
2:30.406250sxf(2018)Decker Training Complex - Race
125 Lap Records
2:42.570rm1252022 MXSCC Miami Beach Race Qualifying
250f Lap Records
1:09.921250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd02 Houston 2
1:10.484250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd03 Houston 3
1:06.554250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd04 Indianapolis 1
1:03.015250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd05 Indianapolis 2
2:15.570250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd07 Orlando 1
1:04.421250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd08 Orlando 2
1:13.718250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd10 Arlington 1
1:38.031250sxf(2018)2021 MXSEMF Supercross by BAC - rd11 Arlington 2
1:40.000250sxf(2018)2022 Canyon Mx
2:54.007250sxf(2018)BCMX: El Chuba Cabra
2:30.406250sxf(2018)Decker Training Complex - Race
250 Lap Records
2:44.171rm250(2008)2022 MXSCC Miami Beach Race Qualifying
450f Lap Records
11:50.328fc450(2018)2022 MXSCC Field Racing
2:15.187fc450(2018)2022 MXSCC Field Racing Qualifying
19:45.507fc450(2018)2022 MXSCC Gotland Grand Nationals qualifying
8:29.031crf450(2018)2022 MXSCC Miami Beach Race
2:17.343crf450(2018)2022 MXSCC Miami Beach Race Qualifying
2:37.273fc450(2018)BCMX: El Chuba Cabra
2:51.335fc450(2018)Decker Training Complex - Race