MX Simulator - 2021 Mini O's SX

Overall Lap Records
1 0:55.242250sxf(2018)5326349Brayden Tharp | Adept Creative Co.
2 0:55.804250sxf(2016)31922504Chris Post | ZYN
3 0:56.164250sxf(2018)1922324Luke Magnetti | Adept
4 0:56.390fc450(2018)17534905Jacob Kelly | RSD/MXS Magazine
5 0:56.710250sxf(2018)698501Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.COM
6 0:56.726fc450(2017)1805253Johnny Podonyi | Vurbmoto
7 0:56.867250sxf(2018)1822060Casey Cochran | Adept Creative Co.
8 0:56.875fc450(2018)13819747Jacob Arnbrister | Snackin and Jackin since '99
9 0:57.046fc450(2018)129577dandy lion
10 0:57.195fc450(2018)3845323SyrupStorm | Red Panda Racing
11 0:57.390crf450(2018)942048Eduardo Simoes | PV Industries
12 0:57.398250sxf(2018)34121967Dash McMillin | LTD
13 0:57.781250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
14 0:57.953250sxf(2018)12315904Connor Austin |
15 0:58.007250sxf(2018)4431403John Hileman | Phil's
16 0:58.015rm125130371Jake $pea$e | District Designs
17 0:58.039250sxf(2018)11427856taylor payne | royal.
18 0:58.250250sxf(2018)1338842Lucas Arriagada | MSK Factory
19 0:58.289rm12533131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
20 0:58.367rm12515328277Noah Bindas |
21 0:58.390250sxf(2018)17138625Dalton Caudill | Area 51
22 0:58.429250sxf(2018)78917452Chad Paulsen | RSD/MXS Magazine
23 0:58.476rm12518934168Khamar Glover | Privateer
24 0:58.500fc450(2018)93965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
25 0:58.546250sxf(2018)19933135Jeremy Estrella | VSR
26 0:58.664250sxf(2018)7473939flem
27 0:58.765450sxf(2018)9225031Dylan Burns | G3 Racing
28 0:58.851250sxf(2018)12830376Carter Halpain | VSR
29 0:58.867250sxf(2018)24343203jace williams | .royal
30 0:59.023250sxf(2018)20523831Sonny Spicer | VSR
31 0:59.039rm1258412357Aj Meadows | Verified Graphics Co
32 0:59.062250sxf(2018)6434215landon bartol | onefivedesigns
33 0:59.078rm12516445996Tanner Scott | Limited | TTV tanner_scott46
34 0:59.101fc450(2018)1839599caiden | CA Designs
35 0:59.109fc450(2017)66727130Nicklas Langstrup | CA Designs
36 0:59.140250sxf(2018)8128741Trevin Thompson | Cyber Dezigns
37 0:59.257rm1253317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
38 0:59.273cr1259734999Joey Arico | Motoaction
39 0:59.320rm12538148951cody cooper | eyespec
40 0:59.367fc450(2018)219737Luffy | Red Panda Racing
41 0:59.632250sxf(2018)1345369Chase Odom | Rides Unlimited
42 0:59.789250sxf(2018)7039217Jackson vick | EBR performance
43 0:59.835250sxf(2018)59928851Jason Stubbs | Racewear
44 0:59.843250sxf(2018)45716133Brandon Ma | MotoAction
45 0:59.898fc450(2017)67722931JM Bocquet DelTa
46 0:59.921rm12561931126Dylan Adams | RSD/MXS Magazine
47 1:00.007250sxf(2018)72132685James Layle | Rides Unlimited
48 1:00.273250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
49 1:00.296fc450(2018)23318345donovan
50 1:00.429250sxf(2018)15520656Nick Niles | Cyber Dezigns
51 1:00.554rm12518917309Zac Palm | District Designs
52 1:00.562250sxf(2018)49537150Race Coble | SpeedHunters | Area 51
53 1:00.812rm1252124931Garett Crose |
54 1:00.812250sxf(2018)13243144Coby Gilsdorf | Active |
55 1:00.843250sxf(2018)6914243rashidi kerrison
56 1:00.984250sxf(2018)29937176Gavin Moon | EBR performance
57 1:01.125250sxf(2018)2749677Colton Adams | MonsterMountainMx
58 1:01.140250sxf(2018)51539754Jacob Kingsfield | MonsterMountainMx #4JA
59 1:01.179rm125981683Brent Heintzelman | Foundation 529
60 1:01.351250sxf(2018)28438384K'Jae Thompson|RSD/MXS Mag
61 1:01.515rm12523712946Bryan Hedge | EBR
62 1:01.726250sxf(2018)4536787Vinnie Rachwal | Privateer
63 1:01.789450sxf(2018)26223863Woody Gardina | GBR Gas Gas
64 1:02.140250sxf(2018)37528746larry fortin
65 1:02.210250sxf(2018)61625795Kyle Heald
66 1:02.257250sxf(2018)8305890Ezra Lewis | STANCE
67 1:02.359250sxf(2018)72342296Brady Olson\BTO
68 1:02.375250sxf(2018)3830470Max Manske
69 1:02.460rm1253122700Reginald Spodill | @Moto.Fails
70 1:02.804250sxf(2018)71139412711
71 1:02.929250sxf(2018)21720555Hunter Dietrich | LTD
72 1:03.203250sxf(2018)64530220Gavin Marsh | Weasel Squeezer Racing
73 1:03.265250sxf(2018)61339900Luke Peterson
74 1:03.375250sxf(2018)8937105Motoboy89
75 1:03.523fc450(2018)51225975Christian Hentila | @Moto.Fails
76 1:03.695rm12531737578logan mortberg | | #mx bikes is gay
77 1:03.851fc450(2018)42840411Chad Stonier
78 1:03.867rm12541946476Deacon Denno
79 1:04.023250sxf(2018)41123778Derek Jones | LB Films
80 1:04.273rm12511143052Jroesiner
81 1:04.437rm1252434859DaJord/
82 1:04.578250sxf(2018)78734257trip rexroat
83 1:05.148250sxf(2018)9545635Gas Productions
84 1:05.242250sxf(2018)10131322Chase#101|101RACING
85 1:05.250250sxf(2018)12327200tyler lynch
86 1:05.335250sxf(2017)30325017Landen Summerlin
87 1:05.445250sxf(2018)12935025Chance Bray | MonsterMountainMx
88 1:05.523250sxf(2018)5746764scapin
89 1:05.632rm1257635560Ben Kongmany LTD
90 1:05.640250sxf(2018)7025490Hogan mims | Fasthouse Racing
91 1:05.781fc450(2018)94617678Jerimiah Spodill | IG: @Moto.Fails
92 1:06.000fc450(2018)1946708Michael Thomson#Brandon Eade is GAY
93 1:06.226250sxf(2018)22327754Breno Loss | PowerDream
94 1:06.343250sxf(2018)73049516Ben Points | Adept Creative Novice Team
95 1:06.632250sxf(2018)33439552nate abbott | IHop
96 1:06.671250sxf(2018)2937182Breydon Moon|EBR pperformance
97 1:06.687250sxf(2018)37227755Leandro Murray | D1 Crew
98 1:07.460250sxf(2018)2349444DGAF
99 1:07.546250sxf(2018)62537563Seth Hignett | Motosport Racing
100 1:07.648250sxf(2018)5928509Rogan McIntosh | Phil's
101 1:07.703250sxf(2018)99941611niktomato
102 1:07.835250sxf(2018)4144882Tyler More | Impact, AEO, STAR YAMAHA, ROCKSTAR HUSKY, CLUBMX
103 1:08.101250sxf(2018)2245574Parker
104 1:08.195250sxf(2018)43 18665wevi kichen
105 1:09.195250sxf(2018)746798alex howard
106 1:09.609rm12518835200Ashton Arruda [Factory Goon Racing]
107 1:11.320250sxf(2018)13921854Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
108 1:12.031250sxf(2018)10040532Landen Walters
109 1:12.679250sxf(2018)12549759Noah Burgess|CHN MotoSports
110 1:13.296fc450(2018)9234741@jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0
111 1:14.640250sxf(2018)2939891Ryan Xenn Dumaguina
112 1:15.375250sxf(2018)7637081Jason Noben
113 1:16.898fc450(2018)2240233Jackson Kilgour
114 1:18.500250sxf(2018)11249006Walker Nalley |MonsterMountainMX #4JA
115 1:22.218250sxf(2018)50013369Andrew Dodd|GDR #DOGE
116 1:26.125rm12511933848ROGANOWEN
117 1:37.617250sxf(2018)85743748Daniel Evans
118 1:44.062rm12521443232Tyler Lindner | Pornhub.Com
125 Lap Records
1 0:57.765rm1251822060Casey Cochran | Adept Creative Co.
2 0:58.015rm125130371Jake $pea$e | District Designs
3 0:58.054rm125129577dandy lion
4 0:58.289rm12533131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
5 0:58.320rm1259422504posty
6 0:58.367rm12515328277Noah Bindas |
7 0:58.476rm12518934168Khamar Glover | Privateer
8 0:58.859rm12517534905Jacob Kelly | RSD/MXS Magazine
9 0:58.921rm1251805253Johnny Podonyi | Vurbmoto
10 0:59.031cr12578917452Chad Paulsen | RSD/MXS Magazine
11 0:59.039rm1258412357Aj Meadows | Verified Graphics Co
12 0:59.078rm12516445996Tanner Scott | Limited | TTV tanner_scott46
13 0:59.156rm1255633135Jeremy Estrella | VSR
14 0:59.257rm1253317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
15 0:59.273cr1259734999Joey Arico | Motoaction
16 0:59.320rm12538148951cody cooper | eyespec
17 0:59.414cr12530919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
18 0:59.554rm1251338842Lucas Arriagada | MSK Factory
19 0:59.648rm12513819747Jacob Arnbrister | Snackin and Jackin since '99
20 0:59.695rm1254431403John Hileman | Phil's
21 0:59.734cr12524343203jace williams
22 0:59.750rm12512830376Carter Halpain | VSR
23 0:59.875rm1257473939flem
24 0:59.921rm12561931126Dylan Adams | RSD/MXS Magazine
25 0:59.976cr12517138625Dalton Caudill | Area 51
26 1:00.023cr12534121967Dash McMillin | LTD
27 1:00.148rm1251922324Luke Magnetti | Adept
28 1:00.343rm12511427856Taylor Payne | Royal
29 1:00.554cr12572132685James Layle | Rides Unlimited
30 1:00.554rm12518917309Zac Palm | District Designs
31 1:00.562rm12515520656Nick Niles | Cyber Dezigns
32 1:00.695rm12520523831Sonny Spicer | VSR
33 1:00.812rm1252124931Garett Crose |
34 1:00.859rm12567722931JM Bocquet DelTa
35 1:00.906rm1256434215landon bartol | onefivedesigns
36 1:01.148rm12593965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
37 1:01.179rm125981683Brent Heintzelman | Foundation 529
38 1:01.250rm1251345369Chase Odom | Rides Unlimited
39 1:01.515rm12523712946Bryan Hedge | EBR
40 1:01.601rm12566727130Nicklas Langstrup | CA Designs
41 1:02.109rm12551539754Jacob Kingsfield | MonsterMountainMx #4JA
42 1:02.460rm1253122700Reginald Spodill | @Moto.Fails
43 1:02.562rm1254536787Vinnie Rachwal | Afroman
44 1:02.945rm12571139412711
45 1:03.023rm1252238935evan kelm
46 1:03.695rm12531737578logan mortberg | | #mx bikes is gay
47 1:03.867rm12541946476Deacon Denno
48 1:04.046rm12523318345donovan
49 1:04.062cr1253830470Max Manske
50 1:04.273rm12511143052Jroesiner
51 1:04.429rm12561625795Kyle Heald
52 1:04.437rm1252434859DaJord/
53 1:04.820rm12561339900Luke Peterson
54 1:05.148rm12513243144Coby Gilsdorf | Active |
55 1:05.632rm1257635560Ben Kongmany LTD
56 1:05.898rm1255746764scapin
57 1:06.000rm12537528746larry fortin
58 1:06.351rm1251946708Michael Thomson#Brandon Eade is GAY
59 1:07.429rm12512935025Chance Bray | MonsterMountainMx
60 1:07.882cr12533439552nate abbott | IHop
61 1:07.937rm12510131322Chase#101|101RACING
62 1:08.750rm12559928851Jason Stubbs | Racewear
63 1:09.609rm12518835200Ashton Arruda [Factory Goon Racing]
64 1:11.132cr12572342296Brady Olson\EBR PERFORMANCE
65 1:12.140cr12564530220Gavin Marsh | Weasel Squeezer Racing
66 1:26.125rm12511933848ROGANOWEN
67 1:44.062rm12521443232Tyler Lindner | Pornhub.Com
250f Lap Records
1 0:55.242250sxf(2018)5326349Brayden Tharp | Adept Creative Co.
2 0:55.804250sxf(2016)31922504Chris Post | ZYN
3 0:56.164250sxf(2018)1922324Luke Magnetti | Adept
4 0:56.710250sxf(2018)698501Nick Tomasunas | MXLOCKER.COM
5 0:56.867250sxf(2018)1822060Casey Cochran | Adept Creative Co.
6 0:57.320250sxf(2018)1805253Johnny Podonyi | Vurbmoto
7 0:57.398250sxf(2018)34121967Dash McMillin | LTD
8 0:57.539250sxf(2018)129577dandy lion
9 0:57.781250sxf(2018)30919001Timmy Briscoe | MSK
10 0:57.953250sxf(2018)12315904Connor Austin |
11 0:58.007250sxf(2018)4431403John Hileman | Phil's
12 0:58.039250sxf(2018)11427856taylor payne | royal.
13 0:58.109250sxf(2018)130371Jake $pea$e | District Designs
14 0:58.250250sxf(2018)1338842Lucas Arriagada | MSK Factory
15 0:58.390250sxf(2018)17138625Dalton Caudill | Area 51
16 0:58.429250sxf(2018)78917452Chad Paulsen | RSD/MXS Magazine
17 0:58.546250sxf(2018)19933135Jeremy Estrella | VSR
18 0:58.664250sxf(2018)7473939flem
19 0:58.695250sxf(2018)15328277Noah Bindas |
20 0:58.851250sxf(2018)12830376Carter Halpain | VSR
21 0:58.867250sxf(2018)24343203jace williams | .royal
22 0:59.023250sxf(2018)20523831Sonny Spicer | VSR
23 0:59.062250sxf(2018)6434215landon bartol | onefivedesigns
24 0:59.070250sxf(2018)13819747Jacob Arnbrister | Snackin and Jackin since '99
25 0:59.140250sxf(2018)8128741Trevin Thompson | Cyber Dezigns
26 0:59.203250sxf(2018)8412357Aj Meadows | Verified Graphics Co
27 0:59.296250sxf(2018)33131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
28 0:59.632250sxf(2018)1345369Chase Odom | Rides Unlimited
29 0:59.726250sxf(2018)16445996Tanner Scott | Limited | TTV tanner_scott46
30 0:59.789250sxf(2018)7039217Jackson vick | EBR performance
31 0:59.835250sxf(2018)59928851Jason Stubbs | Racewear
32 0:59.843250sxf(2018)45716133Brandon Ma | MotoAction
33 1:00.007250sxf(2018)72132685James Layle | Rides Unlimited
34 1:00.273250sxf(2018)2238935evan kelm
35 1:00.429250sxf(2018)15520656Nick Niles | Cyber Dezigns
36 1:00.445250sxf(2018)3317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
37 1:00.562250sxf(2018)49537150Race Coble | SpeedHunters | Area 51
38 1:00.812250sxf(2018)13243144Coby Gilsdorf | Active |
39 1:00.843250sxf(2018)6914243rashidi kerrison
40 1:00.984250sxf(2018)29937176Gavin Moon | EBR performance
41 1:01.125250sxf(2018)2749677Colton Adams | MonsterMountainMx
42 1:01.140250sxf(2018)51539754Jacob Kingsfield | MonsterMountainMx #4JA
43 1:01.351250sxf(2018)28438384K'Jae Thompson|RSD/MXS Mag
44 1:01.562250sxf(2018)23712946Bryan Hedge | Hog Heaven Honda
45 1:01.726250sxf(2018)4536787Vinnie Rachwal | Privateer
46 1:02.054250sxf(2018)93965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
47 1:02.140250sxf(2018)37528746larry fortin
48 1:02.210250sxf(2018)61625795Kyle Heald
49 1:02.257250sxf(2018)8305890Ezra Lewis | STANCE
50 1:02.359250sxf(2018)72342296Brady Olson\BTO
51 1:02.375250sxf(2018)3830470Max Manske
52 1:02.804250sxf(2018)71139412711
53 1:02.820250sxf(2018)3122700Reginald Spodill | @Moto.Fails
54 1:02.929250sxf(2018)21720555Hunter Dietrich | LTD
55 1:03.203250sxf(2018)64530220Gavin Marsh | Weasel Squeezer Racing
56 1:03.265250sxf(2018)61339900Luke Peterson
57 1:03.375250sxf(2018)8937105Motoboy89
58 1:03.843250sxf(2018)18917309Zac Palm | District Designs
59 1:04.023250sxf(2018)41123778Derek Jones | LB Films
60 1:04.578250sxf(2018)78734257trip rexroat
61 1:05.148250sxf(2018)9545635Gas Productions
62 1:05.242250sxf(2018)10131322Chase#101|101RACING
63 1:05.250250sxf(2018)12327200tyler lynch
64 1:05.335250sxf(2017)30325017Landen Summerlin
65 1:05.445250sxf(2018)12935025Chance Bray | MonsterMountainMx
66 1:05.523250sxf(2018)5746764scapin
67 1:05.640250sxf(2018)7025490Hogan mims | Fasthouse Racing
68 1:06.226250sxf(2018)22327754Breno Loss | PowerDream
69 1:06.250250sxf(2018)41946476Deacon Denno
70 1:06.343250sxf(2018)73049516Ben Points | Adept Creative Novice Team
71 1:06.632250sxf(2018)33439552nate abbott | IHop
72 1:06.671250sxf(2018)2937182Breydon Moon|EBR pperformance
73 1:06.687250sxf(2018)37227755Leandro Murray | D1 Crew
74 1:07.460250sxf(2018)2349444DGAF
75 1:07.546250sxf(2018)62537563Seth Hignett | Motosport Racing
76 1:07.648250sxf(2018)5928509Rogan McIntosh | Phil's
77 1:07.703250sxf(2018)99941611niktomato
78 1:07.835250sxf(2018)4144882Tyler More | Impact, AEO, STAR YAMAHA, ROCKSTAR HUSKY, CLUBMX
79 1:08.101250sxf(2018)2245574Parker
80 1:08.195250sxf(2018)43 18665wevi kichen
81 1:09.195250sxf(2018)746798alex howard
82 1:09.765250sxf(2018)66727130Nicklas Langstrup | CA Designs
83 1:11.320250sxf(2018)13921854Dray Smith | Fuel Graphix
84 1:12.031250sxf(2018)10040532Landen Walters
85 1:12.679250sxf(2018)12549759Noah Burgess|CHN MotoSports
86 1:14.640250sxf(2018)2939891Ryan Xenn Dumaguina
87 1:15.375250sxf(2018)7637081Jason Noben
88 1:18.500250sxf(2018)11249006Walker Nalley |MonsterMountainMX #4JA
89 1:22.218250sxf(2018)50013369Andrew Dodd|GDR #DOGE
90 1:36.414250sxf(2018)2240233Jackson Kilgour
91 1:37.617250sxf(2018)85743748Daniel Evans
250 Lap Records
450f Lap Records
1 0:56.390fc450(2018)17534905Jacob Kelly | RSD/MXS Magazine
2 0:56.726fc450(2017)1805253Johnny Podonyi | Vurbmoto
3 0:56.875fc450(2018)13819747Jacob Arnbrister | Snackin and Jackin since '99
4 0:56.953fc450(2018)1822060Casey Cochran | Adept Creative Co.
5 0:57.046fc450(2018)129577dandy lion
6 0:57.195fc450(2018)3845323SyrupStorm | Red Panda Racing
7 0:57.390crf450(2018)942048Eduardo Simoes | PV Industries
8 0:58.484fc450(2018)33131898Tyler More | Rides Unlimited
9 0:58.500fc450(2018)93965Brandon Huntington | Weasel Squeezer Racing |
10 0:58.765450sxf(2018)9225031Dylan Burns | G3 Racing
11 0:59.101fc450(2018)1839599caiden | CA Designs
12 0:59.109fc450(2017)66727130Nicklas Langstrup | CA Designs
13 0:59.367fc450(2018)219737Luffy | Red Panda Racing
14 0:59.679fc450(2018)3317892JoJo Dashosh | ZYN
15 0:59.898fc450(2017)67722931JM Bocquet DelTa
16 1:00.296fc450(2018)23318345donovan
17 1:00.484fc450(2018)24343203jace williams | .royal
18 1:01.789450sxf(2018)26223863Woody Gardina | GBR Gas Gas
19 1:03.523fc450(2018)51225975Christian Hentila | @Moto.Fails
20 1:03.851fc450(2018)42840411Chad Stonier
21 1:03.929fc450(2018)7473939flem
22 1:05.148fc450(2018)20523831Sonny Spicer | VSR
23 1:05.781fc450(2018)94617678Jerimiah Spodill | IG: @Moto.Fails
24 1:06.000fc450(2018)1946708Michael Thomson#Brandon Eade is GAY
25 1:06.195fc450(2018)9545635Gas Productions
26 1:13.296fc450(2018)9234741@jay_chamb | VEGJAY.COM MX101 Sand Del Lee Clear 2.0
27 1:14.554450sxf(2018)11143052Jroesiner
28 1:16.898fc450(2018)2240233Jackson Kilgour
29 1:23.078fc450(2018)5326349Brayden Tharp | Adept Creative Co.